Introduction to Nanopore Sequencing
This course provides an overview of Oxford Nanopore's sequencing technology including relevant applications, workflows and resources.
Learning objectives
- Find out how Nanopore sequencing works
- Learn how the technology is being used
- See available workflows and resources to help you get started

Control Experiment: Ligation sequencing guide
This course provides guidance for running a control experiment on a MinION using the Ligation Sequencing Kit
Learning objectives
- Familiarise yourself with the nanopore sequencing end-to-end workflow
- Learn the steps for completing a ligation sequencing experiment
- Use a control sample to prepare for future sequencing experiments

Control Experiment: Rapid sequencing guid
This course provides guidance for running a control experiment on a MinION using the Rapid Sequencing Kit
Learning objectives
- Familiarise yourself with the nanopore sequencing end-to-end workflow
- Learn the steps for completing a rapid sequencing experiment
- Use a control sample to prepare for future sequencing experiments

Human genome sequencing and analysis
In this course, we will introduce the latest updates and end-to-end workflows for sequencing the Human genome using the Kit V14 chemistry and performing analysis using the wf-human-variation workflow. This course will introduce and discuss kit V14 library preparation options, sequencing set up and analysis through the EPI2ME platform for the detection of SNPs, indels, SVs and methylation.
Learning objectives
- Learn about kit V14 for the sequencing of the Human genome
- Learn about the MinKNOW configuration during sequencing set up
- Understand the data analysis options available using the EPI2ME Labs platform

This course brings together new and existing content to help you plan and perform metagenomics experiments using nanopore sequencing and analysis solutions.
Learning objectives
- How to plan and perform a successful metagenomics sequencing experiment
- Introduction to library preparation chemistry options for metagenomic sequencing
- Introduction to metagenomics analysis solutions available in EPI2ME and EPI2ME Labs
- Learn how to set-up an analysis workflow in EPI2ME
- Learn of workflows and tools that can be used for metagenomic assembly, QC, and downstream analysis

Nanopore sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 genom
This course brings together new and existing content to guide you through genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 using the ARTIC workflow and nanopore sequencing and analysis.
Learning objectives
- Gain an appreciation of nanopore sequencing technology
- Learn about whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 using nanopore sequencing
- Understand the ARTIC sequencing protocols using nanopore technology
- Learn about data and analysis solutions for SARS-CoV-2 using the ARTIC workflow
- Understand the external databases and resources for exploring SARS-CoV-2 genomes