Library preparation: Comparing RNA kits
Presenting the range of library preparation kits for RNA sequencing to help choose which kit is more appropriate for certain applications.
MinKNOW: Introduction
Introduction to MinKNOW software: key features and IT requirements.
Priming and loading your flow cell
Flow cell priming and sample loading demonstration.
Knowledge Exchange: GridION Mk1: delivering ultimate flexibility in the lab
This Knowledge Exchange introduces the GridION Mk1 sequencing device - capable of running up to 5 individually addressable MinION or Flongle Flow Cells.
A practical demonstration of priming and loading a Flongle flow cell
A short video describing how to prime and load a flongle flow cell.
plan prepare sequence
A practical demonstration of how to prime and load a PromethION flow cell
In this video you will learn how to prime and load a promethION flow cell
Flow cell introduction
Introduction to the MinION and GridION flow cells.
DNA (Lambda) Control Experiment Overview
Overview of Lambda Control Experiment for rapid and ligation sequencing kit.
EPI2ME Labs Nextflow Workflows demonstration
This video demonstrates running an EPI2ME Labs Nextflow workflow on the command line.
EPI2ME Labs: wf-human-variation Platform Demo
Practical demonstration on how to launch the "wf-human-variation" workflow using EPI2ME Labs Graphics User Interface.
Methylation Detection: Sample to Answer Workflow Overview
This video introduces methylation detection capabilities of Nanopore sequencing and includes general recommendations for preparing your library for methylation detection.
plan prepare sequence
MinKNOW Configuration for Kit 14
Illustration on how to setup a Kit V14 sequencing run using MinKNOW software.
Kit V14 performance
An overview of Kit 14 performance when compared to previous chemistries.
plan prepare sequence
Kit V14 introduction and overview
An introduction to Kit 14 and chemistry overview.
plan sequence
Methylation Detection On MinKNOW
This video describes tools and approaches for methylation detection, setting up a run on the MinKNOW software and tools for downstream analysis of methylation data.
plan sequence
MinKNOW: Hardware check
Unboxing the MinION device and live demonstration of running hardware check using MinKNOW.
plan prepare
Introduction to metagenomic assembly
This video introduces concepts, tools, and techniques you can use to assemble genomes using Oxford Nanopore long read metagenomic data.
Bioinformatics file formats: reference and annotation files
This video will introduce bioinformatics file formats used to store reference sequence and annotated features data, and databases hosting these files
Introduction to read alignment/mapping
In this video you will learn about read alignment/mapping approaches, file formats and workflows
Introduction to variant annotation and phasing
In this video you will learn about tools and key terms involved in phasing genetic variation. Tools for the functional annotation of identified variants are also highlighted
EPI2ME Labs Workflows set up and configuration
This video contains an introduction to using EPI2ME Labs workflows in the command line including commands for installing, updating and running analysis workflows. Increasing the CPU and RAM usage is also described
Introduction to EPI2ME Labs workflows
This video introduces bioinformatics workflows and nextflow workflows provided through the EPI2ME Labs workflows analysis platform
Introduction to SNP and indel detection
This video will introduce the general workflow for detection SNP and indel variation, relevant file formats and ONT analysis solutions for detection of SNPs and indels in your data
Differential gene expression analysis workflows
This video will introduce steps involved required to detect differentially expressed genes and bioinformatics solutions available to help with this process
Introduction to differential gene expression
This video will introduce an overview of the process for detection of differentially expressed genes and considerations for processing and interpreting transcriptomic data and results
Introduction to structural variation detection
This video will explain structural variation definitions, and introduce relevant file formats and detection workflows
Introduction to de novo genome assembly and polishing
This video will introduce steps and workflows for the generation of high quality consensus genome sequences
Introduction to read quality assessment and filtering
In this video you will learn about tools for assessing and filtering sequencing read data
Data Analysis: EPI2ME Labs introduction
EPI2ME is a user-friendly analysis platform, highlighting best practice tools and analysis workflows for many applications. This video contains a short summary introducing the platform
Introduction to metagenomics classification concepts
This video introduces metagenomic classification and some of the key concepts necessary to help plan a successful metagenomic classification analysis workflow
Introduction to metagenomics
This video introduces the Metagenomics course and gives an overview of the flexible workflow options available to help plan and perform your metagenomics experiments.
plan analyse
Additional concepts in metagenomic assembly
This video introduces additional concepts to help plan and perform metagenomic assembly analysis.
Quality control of metagenomic assemblies
An overview into the concepts and tools you can use to assess the quality of your metagenomic assemblies.
SARS-CoV-2: Midnight Protocol
Detailed run through the Midnight protocol with hints and tips for a successful library preparation.
SARS-CoV-2: Eco ARTIC protocol
Detailed run through the Eco protocol with hints and tips for a successful library preparation.
Library preparation: Ligation sequencing kit
Presenting the general workflow of the ligation sequencing kit, recommended input, options to scale-up, and the barcoding options available.
prepare sequence
SARS-CoV-2: Course Introduction
Introduction and background on SARS-CoV- 2 and the importance of whole-genome sequencing.
SARS-CoV-2: Classic ARTIC protocol
Detailed run through the protocol with hints and tips for a successful library preparation.
SARS-CoV-2: The ARTIC protocol and how it works
An introduction of the ARTIC protocol and how it works
plan prepare
SARS-CoV-2: Options for whole genome sequencing protocols
An introduction to the different protocol options available to sequence SARS-CoV-2.
plan prepare
MinKNOW: Installation
Learn about software releases, downloading and installing MinKNOW, and troubleshooting installation.
plan sequence
SARS-CoV-2: Setting up a new ARTIC experiment
Demonstration on setting up a new experiment on the MinKNOW software.
MinKNOW: Assessing your run
Tour through MinKNOW during a live run to understand the different graphs and assess the quality of your run.
A practical demonstration of priming and loading a flow cell
Flow cell priming and sample loading demonstration
MinKNOW: Flow cell check
Practical demonstration on how to complete the flow cell check using MinKNOW software.
SARS-CoV-2: ARTIC workflow data and analysis files
In this video we will introduce and discuss the main file types and file formats for the data files that are required and generated by the ARTIC Field Bioinformatics analysis workflow. This will explain the FASTQ, BAM, VCF and FASTA format files.
SARS-CoV-2: ARTIC Field Bioinformatics analysis technical details
The ARTIC Field Bioinformatics workflow involves several analysis steps whereby data generated from a sequencing device is used to detect variants and generate a high-confidence consensus sequence. In this video we will explain the individual components and analysis software of this workflow
MinION Mk1C unboxing and configuring
If you have bought a MinION Mk1C, in this video we show you the components included in the box. You will also learn how to power on the device and how to navigate the Mk1C Graphical User Interface.
MinKNOW: Blocking
Using the MinKNOW GUI to identify and troubleshoot blocking during a sequencing run
sequence analyse
Library Preparation: An introduction and overview of the options available
An overview of the various library preparation options available for our sequencing platforms.
Library preparation: Quality control of input DNA or RNA
Outlining the importance of assessing your input DNA or RNA to maximise your sequencing run.
plan prepare
Library preparation: Extraction methods and sample handling
Containing resources available for advice on sample extraction and recommendations for DNA and RNA handling.
plan prepare
Library preparation: Improving sequencing yields
Presenting the most important aspects of the library preparation chemistries and how to improve performance whether it's high throughput or longer reads.
Library preparation: Barcoding kits and workflows
Presenting the barcoding kits and workflows available for nanopore sequencing
Library preparation: 16S barcoding kits
Targeted metagenomic approach and how to perform real-time downstream analysis of your data using the cloud-based FastQ 16S workflow in the Epi2me platform.
Library preparation: Low input PCR kits
Library preparation options using low input DNA kits
Library preparation: Rapid sequencing kits
Presenting rapid sequencing of genomic DNA using the Rapid Sequencing kits
Library Preparation: Comparing PCR-free kits
Comparison of PCR-free chemistries, ligation and rapid sequencing kits and the advantages of PCR free applications in Whole genome, Metagenomic and Epigenetics sequencing.
MinKNOW: Post-run analysis
Learn about the main post-run analysis processes performed by MinKNOW
sequence analyse
MinKNOW: Translocation speed
Understand translocation speed and how to identify and troubleshoot translocation speed changes
MinKNOW: Re-using a flow cell
The wash kit explained, how to adjust bias voltage when reusing a flow cell in MinKNOW.
MinKNOW: Setting up a new experiment
Demonstration on setting up a new experiment on the MinKNOW software.
MinKNOW: The graphical user interface (GUI)
Guided tour through MinKNOW's graphical user interface
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MinKNOW: Live basecalling and output folder structure
Set up live basecalling in MinKNOW and chose basecalling model. Introduction to data file types and folder structure.
sequence analyse
MinKNOW: Mux scan and active channel selection
Introduction to MUX scan and active channel selection.
MinKNOW: Pore occupancy
Introduction to pore occupancy, how to monitor and interpret this during a run, and how to troubleshoot for different scenarios.
Knowledge Exchange: Structural variation
This Knowledge Exchange provides an overview of structural variation detection using long reads.
Knowledge Exchange: cDNA sequencing on the Oxford Nanopore platform
This Knowledge Exchange introduces cDNA sequencing with Oxford Nanopore technology - from library prep to analysis.
prepare analyse
Knowledge Exchange: Library preparation kits and methods
This Knowledge Exchange covers the essentials of sample and library preparation for Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing devices.
Knowledge Exchange: Getting the most out of a flow cell
This Knowledge Exchange provides top tips for getting the most out of a nanopore sequencing flow cell.
Knowledge Exchange: MinKNOW features and updates
This Knowledge Exchange provides an overview of the latest MinKNOW features.
Knowledge Exchange: Sample barcoding
This Knowledge Exchange provides an overview of the Oxford Nanopore barcoding kits available.
Knowledge Exchange: Assembly
With the increasing yield of the Oxford Nanopore platform, it’s becoming easier to generate enough data to assemble large genomes. In this Knowledge Exchange, learn how to plan and perform genome assembly projects using nanopore sequencing.
Knowledge Exchange: Direct RNA sequencing
This Knowledge Exchange discusses nanopore direct RNA sequencing; a highly parallel, real-time, single-molecule method that circumvents reverse transcription or amplification steps.
prepare analyse
Knowledge Exchange: Nanopore from 100 to 1000 genomes: towards a better understanding of phenotypes
In this Knowledge Exchange, Fritz Sedlazeck discusses his work on characterising human genetic variation with nanopore sequencing.
Knowledge Exchange: No assembly required: nanopore sequencing complete virus genomes from microbial communities
In this Knowledge Exchange, John Beaulaurier discusses an assembly-free nanopore sequencing and analysis approach for direct recovery of high-quality marine phage genome sequences.
Knowledge Exchange: Cas9 PCR-free enrichment
This Knowledge Exchange introduces PCR-free target enrichment using CRISPR/Cas9 for nanopore sequencing.
Knowledge Exchange: A primer on nucleic acid extraction
This Knowledge Exchange covers the different aspects for consideration during nucleic acid extraction
Improving sequencing yield
Getting the most out of your samples
prepare sequence
MinIT introduction and setup
Learn about the MinIT device and how to use it for your sequencing experiments
plan prepare
MinION introduction
An introduction to the Minion device and it's components
Ligation Lambda Control Experiment
Overview of Ligation Lambda Control Experiment, the library preparation and setting up a control run in MinKNOW
Rapid Lambda Control Experiment
Overview of rapid lambda control experiment